Saturday, December 27, 2008


Today is my 1 year anniversary!!! I can't believe how much my life has changed in 365 days! AMAZING JOURNEY. Many people ask me if I have any regrets and I always say NO, and I mean it.

Thanks to EVERYONE who has encouraged me along the way, I could have never lost 166lbs without you.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

These are the pants I wore on Christmas Day...2 days before my surgery. They are a size 32. I am now wearing a size 16.

In the picture below, I am in ONE LEG of the pants!

Here is me and Aunt Fran in the one pant leg each!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The holidays

Well I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I am nervous about the holidays. All the eating, drinking and being Merry scares me. I know that I am much more disciplined then I think I am but only time will tell. I survived thanksgiving and did very well eating. I drank alot of water during the day so I was full on liquids not food. My dinner consisted of turkey, soup and a little mashed potatoes.

I have come so far in 11 months that I can't help myself but smile. I know this sounds crazy but I am really proud of myself.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Traveling 150lbs less.....

We are back from Chicago and the Oprah Winfrey Show! What an amazing time. We arrived in Chicago on Wednesday AM and shopped all day long (purchased for myself a Beautiful Tiffany Ring) and had a delicious dinner at Roy's in Chicago. Thursday was the Oprah show, when we arrived at Harpo studios we learned the Drs. Oz and Roizen were going to be on. After going through extensive security we finally made it on set with fantastic seats in the center third row! The show was great, the topic was leading a healthy lifestyle. After the show Dr. Roizen took us back in the "Green Room" where we waited to meet Lady O....We were greated and Dr. Roizen mentioned my weight loss to her and she congratulated me. We then took a couple photos with her. The experience was awesome. Dr. Roizen told me that he will get the photos and forward them to me. I await patiently.

Thursday night was a whole other story.....We were dressed and ready to go to yet another dinner when we learned that Isabella had cut the top of her finger and might loss the tip on her middle finger. We immediately went into panic mode and tried to get back to Cleveland the quickest way. We ended up driving back to Cleveland the long 6 hours and arriving back about 4:30am. Stacey immediately went to Isabella. The hand surgeon was able to re-attach the finger tip and hopefully it will be OK. We will not now for 2 weeks. Please say a prayer for Isabella.

What I know for sure....traveling 150lbs lighter is MUCH easier. I was able to board the plane with ease, buckle my seat belt and sit comfortably in my seat!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

10 months

I have celebrated my 10 month anniversary. I can't believe it has been this long. It seems like yesterday I was considering the surgery. October 1st was my first workshop appointment to get the process started and now I am celebrating 10 months. Someone asked me yesterday how I was going to celebrate a year? I don't know, if you have any suggestions please email me.

What is new with me....I have started to introduce alcohal into my diet, My dietcian suggests Vodka because it is low in calories and sugar. So I did and so far so good, 2 cocktails and I am feeling it. Very weird. I am going to Chicago next weekend with Robin and Stacey to see Oprah which is very exciting. Don't know who will be on the show, hopefully something good.

I have started to tapper off loosing weight which I know would happen. I am very confortable at my weight, I am officially 1/2 of what I was. I hope all is well with everyone.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Went to the dietcian yesterday and I have lost 154lbs. My newest issue is dark circles under my eyes. Appartently I have lost so much weight in my face that the blood vessels are broken under my eyes and causing dark circles. I swear I never realized all the things that being overweight caused. I have been shopping like crazy lately, with the weather change I need fall clothes. My pants I am buying are 14/16 which is crazy.

I hope all is well - Lot's of Love. Dawn

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Lease on Life

Here are the latest stats of the new me.........

I am wearing size 16 jeans from 32.

Size 8 shoe from size 10

Size 8 ring from size 12

Size large shirt from 6X

and feeling fantastic!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The New Me

I am going to a wedding tonight and I am wearing a size 16 dress, high heels and nylons!! I haven't worn these 3 things together in years!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I had a appointment with my dietitian today. She told me a fantastic stat..........I have lost 58% of my excess body weight! I have lost 147lbs. so far which she was thrilled with. I have to change a couple of my habits that she says are ok but I should change, for example, eat NOTHING after 8pm instead of liquids and only snacks that are 100 calorie or less, which is easier thanks to the handy 100 calorie snack packs.

One of my doctors gave me a card the other read....Start doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you'll be doing the impossible!

Friday, August 22, 2008


As I approach my 8month anniversary I look back at how far I have come. I am currently wearing size XL top and size 16 pants. When I started this journey I was wearing size 5X tops and size 32 pants. One of my co-workers and very good friend asked if I have tried on my size 32 pants lately, I said no and went home and tried them on. OH MY GOD!!! I was very sad. I will forever hold on to those pants for motivation! I continue to lose weight and have begun to slow down a bit.

August is a special time in our family. We celebrate the Feast of the Assumption like we celebrate Christmas day. Family was in town from Phoenix and we went to Niagara Falls for the weekend, it was very nice, lots of fun but VERY crowded.

Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the failures.

I hope all is well with each and every one of you! Love - ME

Monday, July 28, 2008


I am officially able to shop all stores. It has been so long since I have been able to do this, it's very exciting. Everything else is going well, I am continuing to lose weight and fear that I will stop very soon. If I never lost another pound, I would be very happy with my total weight loss of 128lbs.

Another WOW moment...I went to see Mamma Mia with my dad last sunday and sat so confortably in the seat.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you Is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, Even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I had a group doctors appointment today and we had to bring pictures of our accomplishments and this is what I brought.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Science of Metabolism???

Who knew that there was a doctor that studied the Science of Metabolism?? Anyway, I saw a new doctor on Monday to will follow me now, she was great. She was thrilled with my weight loss and encouraged me to continue what I am doing. She set a goal for me to lose 60lbs before my 1 year anniversary. I know that I can do that in 6 months. She asked a very interesting question to me. Her question was, what are the 5 things you miss most about being overweight?? I didn't even think about the question, I said NOTHING. She smiled and said good answer.

I just hung up with my Cousin Lisa and I told her that when I look in the mirror I don't even see the same person. My entire body frame has changed. I had dinner with my mom tonight and she said to me as I was leaving "Dawn, your boobs are finally where they are supposed to be". It's so weird, I can't even explain it. Hope you are all doing great!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Pool

I went to the pool today with my sister and the girls and did great! I felt very confortable there, I wore my suit there with my cover up on and had a great time and actually went swimming.

I have a doctors appointment monday with a new doctor. She specializes in postoperative care of the bariatric patient and diet and exercise education. Everyone that sees her loves her, I will keep you posted.

Happy 4th of July to all. Have a good week.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Can you believe it has been 6 months???

Yesterday was my 6 month anniversary for my surgery. I can't believe that it has been that long. Amazing. I continue to feel great. I have lost 122lbs as of date. I had a Doctors appointment yesterday and they declared my surgery a Success. My fear is that will stay a success???

I met 2 people yesterday very randomly who both had the surgery. One at the Clinic, I was walking out of my appointment and I saw my surgeon talking to a patient that was very scared and crying. I talked to her and she told me she was 4 weeks post-op and feeling awful. I promised her that it would get better. I knew exactly how she was feeling and understood completely. The second person I met was at Acacia Country Club. He is a friend of my sisters, he is 4 years post op. He lost of total of 150lbs and has gained 20lbs back. He gave me many suggestions on how to stay on track.

My second journey for the week was attempting to buy a bathing suit!!!! What a challenge. For the past number of years, I wore that ugliest suit because it fit and only wore it at Aunt Frans (the lovely blue and black one in the photos). So this year with my weight loss, I am ready for the pool. Very scared but ready. I found a suit and had to have Robin taken the straps because I officially have no boobs. I will keep you posted on the pool situation.

I have had many people tell me that they continue to read my blog. Please drop me an email and let me know you are out there -

That's it for now, I hope you are all well. Love to all.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The power of measurements

How about this info...........

  • I wore a size 32 pants before surgery, I am wearing a size 18 now
  • Bra size prior to surgery was 52DD, I am wearing size 38DD
  • I wore a size 10 shoes before surgery, I am wearing a size 8 now
  • My rings were a size 12, I wore a size 8 today


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Heat....then and now

This weekend was very hot in Cleveland. Humidity was high also. I spent alot of time outside at St. Francis Festival (Friday, Sat and Sunday..loser :), birthday party on Saturday outdoors and I NEVER broke a sweat. Everyone who knows me in my "previous" life knew I HATED the heat. After losing 116 lbs the heat is much more comfortable. It's another one of those life changing things that I never realized was because of my weight. I am also learning that eating healthy is very expensive. I live off of fruit and vegetables, so I go to the grocery often.

Please pray for a dear friend of mine who was just diagnosed with breast cancer, she is 41 and a single mom to 2 kids. She had surgery on Monday and is doing well, but can you the extra prayers. She is the main reason I decided to have Gastric Bypass, she had it 4 years ago and feels and looks amazing. God speed ahead!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

5 Month Anniversary

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost a total of 108lbs. It's amazing, how life has changed so much. I have so much more confidence out in public. I went to the Kenny Chesney/Keith Urban concert Saturday with Pam and I felt so good to be in public, for the first time, I was not ashamed of the way I looked.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Turning 35 - Birthday weekend.

I turned 35 on Saturday and I NEVER felt better in my life. I realized looking at pictures how unhealthy I really looked. Maria and Isabella slept over on Friday night and we ALL slept in my bed comfortably, when I woke up to them singing Happy Birthday it was awesome!!

My big purchase this weekend was buying a pair of Ralph Lauren Jean Capri's from Dillards 9 sizes smaller than when I started in November. I had dinner on Saturday with family and friends and ordered Sea Scallops and they were delicious (NEVER would eat seafood prior WLS). Sunday followed with a Brunch with all the Musca cousins then dinner at Aunt Fran's. My mother mad a delicious and healthy birthday cake. Unfortunatly, it didn't agree with me and I had to leave Aunt Fran's rather quickly.

I hope that all of you have a great week!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Did It!!!! I have officially lost 103lbs. AMAZING. My goal was 100lbs before my birthday which is Saturday and I did it. I had an appointment with my surgeon and he told me that I have lost 47% of my excess body weight. Needless to say I am thrilled. Very happy.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Approaching 100lb loss

I am approaching my 100lb weight loss mark. I am not going to weigh myself until my birthday on the 17th so I can hopefully be over the 100lb loss.

I want to thank everyone again for there support and commitment to my weight loss. I appreciate everything!!]

Love to all.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dumping Snydrome

Definition from WebMD: "Dumping syndrome is an effective result of the gastric bypass system which alerts the body of inappropriate eating. Dumping syndrome is described as a shock-like state when small, easily absorbed food particles rapidly dump into the digestive system. This results in a very unpleasant feeling with symptoms such as a cold clammy sweat, nausea, pallor, butterflies in the stomach and a pounding pulse. These symptoms may be followed by cramps and vomitting. This state can last for 30-60 minutes and is quite uncomfortable."

I had my second major cause of dumping syndrome last night, unfortunately I was at my sisters watching the girls and it scared them. My sister stopped at Boston Market and brought home dinner, I have had rotisserie chicken since my surgery but not from there. After a few bites and I am talking few bites I felt horrible. Instant nausea and bad stomach pains. It lasted about 90 minutes with me having to vomit. I got the chills, cold sweats and bad cramps. The only other time I had this was the last time I ate bread. This is my fear about eating new foods in public places. I have no idea what will affect me and how. For the most part I have tolerated foods good but when I don't watch out.

I continue to be on steady pace of losing weight. I don't eat Bread, Rice, Pasta or Sugar. I eat alot of fruit, chicken, turkey and seafood. I have stopped weighing myself and only get weighed in at my weekly nutrition appointment.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Here is an updated photo of me. I am at a serious low of clothes. I don't want to spend alot of money on clothes so I have been shopping at Kohls and Target. I have many clothes that I would like to donate to a store or shelter but don't know where to begin.
Any ideas please let me know. Hope all is well. Love, Dawn

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

85 and counting

I have one more pound to lose till 85. Things are going well. I feel great! Still dealing with low blood sugar but working through it. I have found a new love of fruit. Watermelon, Banana's, Grapes and Blueberries. I never really ate fruit before and now I have it 4 times a day, mind you that I eat about 20 blueberries, 10 grapes, 1/2 banana at each serving, so it's not alot. I have been introducing new foods into my diet slowly. Amazingly I have been eating alot of seafood (Shrimp, Scallops, Crab and Lobster). They are low in calorie and a ton of protein. I continue to drink milk like water.

Now that spring has officially arrived, I have begun exercising outside. My ipod has begun my best friend while walking, I need to put some high energy songs on it to keep me moving along, any me.

Hope all is well! Love - Dawn

Saturday, March 15, 2008

74 Pounds

I have officially lost 74 pounds! truly amazing! I saw my dietcian on Friday and my exact words when I stepped on the scale were "HOLY SHIT". This week has been a little hard, I have LOW blood sugar and have been trying to get the number up with the help of some orange juice (diluted) and higher protein I am slowly raising it. Needless to say my energy level has been very low but improving.

I was at my parents house on Thursday and looked at the photo of me, Stacey and Steve from his wedding in November 2005 and was horrified. I looked awful. My face was huge! I went home that night and put the same dress on that is so large that I had it on backward and was able to turn it around without taking it off. I look back at photos and realize now how unhealthy I truly was. I still have alot of weight to lose and have yet set a target goal weight. (see below for before and after photos)

Thanks to everyone who reads this blog. You inspire me to keep it going.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This was the view outside my window this morning. Lovely!!

Well I officially have no pants that fit. I know that this is a "good" problem to have but it is an officially problem. I am going to the mall today with my sister and the girls and will hopefully find some inexpensive jeans. I hate to spend a lot of money on clothes these days because I am not wearing them for to long. Again a good problem to have. Please don't think I am complaining although it may sound that way I am truly HAPPY to have this problem.

I went to the dietitian this week and have graduated to raw vegtables and salad. She was thrilled with my weight loss and gave me some new tips on what foods to avoid. My 2 problem foods are PASTA and BREAD. I can't digest them at all, they are like cement in my stomach. Since I can't digest them I don't want them nor miss them. Which is a good thing. Everyone who has had the surgery says it will get better but there is a part of me that doesn't want them to get better.

Take care, have a good week! Love to all!

Friday, February 29, 2008

I know that things must be going well, when I run into my surgeon in the hall and he tells me I look "Fabulous" That's so exciting. One thing that I have a hard time adjusting to is the complements that I am receiving. It's been a LONG time since someone told me I looked fabulous. I politely say thank and shine my big smile!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Well I am officially wearing a B Cup bra!! Amazing defeat of the girls. I have lost just about 15" in my breasts. I went out last night for the first time since my surgery and I felt great. My friend Melissa was amazed that I was wearing a B cup and I made her look at the tag inside.

I had my doctors appointment the other day with my surgeon and officially have lost 62lbs. He encouraged me to put the scale away and only weigh yourself once a week. So I have listened to him and will only weigh myself on Sunday mornings. I have been given the ok to start exercising and have begun my "Biggest Loser" workout DVD. I am also looking into to joining the Y. They have a fantastic water aerobics class.

I am now able to shop at Dillards and Kohls...still working to Ann Taylor or the Limited. I have lost 3 shirt sizes at Lane Bryant. It's weird not looking for the biggest size in the store.

Take care, I hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I have officially lost 60 pounds!!! It's been 7 weeks and I feel great. I sometimes forget that I had major stomach surgery until I try and eat or drink and can't. My newest issue is that I get horribly nausasus when I eat. Not all the time but alot. I am trying to work on it and hopefully solve the problem.

I am beginning to have WOW moments! My rings don't fit, shoes are big and continue to have bra issues. I was measured for a bra and the sales lady told me that my cup size was a B!!! A B!!! Do you believe? Me either. I have yet to find the correct bra size that I need without spending $100.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I apologize for the delay is updating my blog. I have returned to work and it's been kicking my butt. I am completely exhausted when I come home and usually sleeping by 9:00pm.

I have progressed to complete solid food and have been tolerating it well. I still have no desire to eat and get rather nauseated when I do eat. I am allowed to eat up to 1/2 cup of food. I am so afraid to overeat and take that last bite because the feeling afterwards is awful. I have changed all my vitamins from chewable to regular and my body is still adjusting to them. My dietcian wants me to lose 2-4lbs per week and I am on target. It's weird to try on some of my clothes and they are to big to wear. I actually purchased a full length mirror for the first time in my life.

I feel very good, I have some moments were I just feel awful but for the most part I feel great!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Big 5-0

Well I have officially lost 50 pounds. Amazing for me and I am extremely proud of this accomplishment.

Unfortunately, I am still in pain on my left side. I spent the whole day on Friday at the Cleveland Clinic with my surgeon because he thought I had a hernia, I was rushed downstairs for an emergency CT scan of my abdomen and stomach, the scan was negative (thank god, because the thought of another surgery - NO WAY). He did find that the abdominal wall is extremely inflamed and irritated from the surgery and the instruments that they used. I was able to get a prescription for a new medicine and also a pain patch for my stomach. They are not taking the pain away but they are helping. I just thought that after 4 weeks I would feel better and I don't. Thank you so much for my friend Denene, she took me to my 11:15 appointment and we did not leave the hospital till 6:00pm. She is an angel.

I return to work tomorrow, I am only going to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I think going back to work will help me get back into my routine. My lunch is packed and I am ready to go.

I went shopping on Saturday with Stacey and Isabella and purchased some work tops and a new pair of black pants. It was fun to shop in a new size. I will take a picture of me in my new outfit tomorrow and post it on the website.

I can not stress enough how wonderful my friends and family have been over the past 4 weeks. The phone calls, visits and cards have helped me so much. Thank you so much for everything!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Home sweet home

Well I am finally back to my apartment. I made the emotional journey home. My time spent with my parents was irreplaceable. I can't thank them enough for all they did for me.

Yesterday was 3 weeks since my surgery and I am still very sore on the left side. I am trying to stretch the muscle out but it still hurts. Other than the pain on the left side I feel good. I have only had one issue with food but know what I did wrong and will not do it again.

It feels good to be back at my apartment and I love living here. The door is open anytime for visitors.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Desperate need of sleep

The past 3 weeks have been exciting, interesting, painful and wonderful. I don't know if what I have done in the past 3 weeks for myself has really set in. I know that my life has changed for the better but I don't think the whole circle has hit me yet, for that matter I know that it will take 1 year to really become full circle. I have lost 41lbs and feel great. My pain is almost gone, it more of a constant soreness on the left side.

I made my first journey to Target yesterday with Liz and was completely exhausted afterwards, I then went to my apartment with my Dad and took down all my Christmas decorations. I am planning on going home this week. My stay with my parents has been wonderful.

I can't personally thank everyone for the phone calls, comments, prayers and just "being" there that I have had over the past weeks. You know who you are and what you have done.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Can't believe it's been 2 weeks

As I sat in the waiting room yesterday waiting for my 2 week post-op appointment I was amazed that I could say that yes, I have had Gastric Bypass surgery and I am ok.

The waiting room is a large room with lots and I mean lots of patients who are waiting to see the surgeons, dietcians, therapist, etc. and everyone talks. There was a patient yesterday that had the surgery 5 years ago and is back because she got pregnant and gained 90lbs and just had surgery for a hernia repair. We introduced ourselves and started talking, her major advice to me was stay away from sugar!! She said the first time is awful, (your body can't break down sugar after surgery and dumping syndrome occurs) but it gets easier and easier to tolerate and after awhile, it's ok. I don't want that to happen.

My surgeon was thrilled with my progress and my stiches were removed, my stomach actually dosen't look to bad, all the bruises are gone, except for one near the drain site. The major burning pain that I am having is "normal". He said they were muscle spasms that needed to stretch, so now I stretch before laying down and while sitting down. He said that using a heating pad will help and it did, I slept for 6 hours last night which is a HUGE improvement, since I had not been sleeping at all. I am so jealous that I can't just crawl in bed and sleep.

I lost 14 lbs since the surgery for a total of 35 lbs. I am right on target and graduated to pureed foods. My first dinner last night was a scrambled egg with cheese and it was great.

I can't believe that I spent 4 weeks on liquids only. Amazing!!! That just goes to show that you can do anything you put your mind to!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Pain, Pain and more pain

Well the pain is creeping it's little head out again. This weekend has been rough. The pain is more of a "Deep" pain. I am still with my mom and will be fore awhile. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Wednesday and hopefully he can give me some confort. I made my first trip out today to Aunt Fran's. I lasted about 2 hours and had to come home to rest.

Friday, January 4, 2008

I can't believe it's been 1 week already

I can't believe that it's been 1 week already. I am doing ok, the pain is still there but it's changed to a more "healing pain". I have lost some weight but I will know more next week when I meet with the doctor. The only thing that I am eating is Carnation Instant Breakfast with 1% milk. Jello. Broth. Diluted apple juice. That's it!! So I have to be losing weight. I am only getting in about 400-500 calories a day.

Today is my first day alone, it's weird. My mom has been awesome. She is my motivation each day.

This experience has been so good. Both mentally and physically. It's been hard, there have been many tears shead but hopefully those tears will become tears of joy!!

Thank you to everyone, you know who you are!!