Tuesday, May 27, 2008

5 Month Anniversary

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost a total of 108lbs. It's amazing, how life has changed so much. I have so much more confidence out in public. I went to the Kenny Chesney/Keith Urban concert Saturday with Pam and I felt so good to be in public, for the first time, I was not ashamed of the way I looked.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Turning 35 - Birthday weekend.

I turned 35 on Saturday and I NEVER felt better in my life. I realized looking at pictures how unhealthy I really looked. Maria and Isabella slept over on Friday night and we ALL slept in my bed comfortably, when I woke up to them singing Happy Birthday it was awesome!!

My big purchase this weekend was buying a pair of Ralph Lauren Jean Capri's from Dillards 9 sizes smaller than when I started in November. I had dinner on Saturday with family and friends and ordered Sea Scallops and they were delicious (NEVER would eat seafood prior WLS). Sunday followed with a Brunch with all the Musca cousins then dinner at Aunt Fran's. My mother mad a delicious and healthy birthday cake. Unfortunatly, it didn't agree with me and I had to leave Aunt Fran's rather quickly.

I hope that all of you have a great week!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Did It!!!! I have officially lost 103lbs. AMAZING. My goal was 100lbs before my birthday which is Saturday and I did it. I had an appointment with my surgeon and he told me that I have lost 47% of my excess body weight. Needless to say I am thrilled. Very happy.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Approaching 100lb loss

I am approaching my 100lb weight loss mark. I am not going to weigh myself until my birthday on the 17th so I can hopefully be over the 100lb loss.

I want to thank everyone again for there support and commitment to my weight loss. I appreciate everything!!]

Love to all.