Monday, September 29, 2008

New Lease on Life

Here are the latest stats of the new me.........

I am wearing size 16 jeans from 32.

Size 8 shoe from size 10

Size 8 ring from size 12

Size large shirt from 6X

and feeling fantastic!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The New Me

I am going to a wedding tonight and I am wearing a size 16 dress, high heels and nylons!! I haven't worn these 3 things together in years!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I had a appointment with my dietitian today. She told me a fantastic stat..........I have lost 58% of my excess body weight! I have lost 147lbs. so far which she was thrilled with. I have to change a couple of my habits that she says are ok but I should change, for example, eat NOTHING after 8pm instead of liquids and only snacks that are 100 calorie or less, which is easier thanks to the handy 100 calorie snack packs.

One of my doctors gave me a card the other read....Start doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you'll be doing the impossible!